Обучителна програма "Актуални въпроси на бежанското право"

Trainers FAR


On 11 April 2023, the Foundation for Access to Rights - FAR launched the training programme "Current Issues in Refugee Law", dedicated to the 10th anniversary of FAR.

The duration of the training is 10 weeks with 3 hours per week.

The interactive lectures will take place on Mondays, from 17:30 to 20:30, in person and online via the Zoom platform.

During the training course, led by practitioners and prominent specialists in the field of refugee and migration law, the participants have the opportunity to get acquainted in depth with the main issues, as well as to explore current issues in the field of refugee law.

You can read the full training programme in the table above. 

Valeria Ilareva

Upon completion of the training programme, participants will receive certificates and will be invited to participate in an essay competition on a topical issue in the field of refugee law. The best essays will be published in FAR's anniversary volume, Current Issues in Refugee Law. Their authors will also have the opportunity to participate in the conference under this title, dedicated to the anniversary of the Foundation for Access to Rights, which will be held on 12 and 13 September 2023 on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.
