This Handbook is developed under the project Safeguarding Unaccompanied and Separated Children’s Rights through the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (SUN), which promotes the effective enjoyment of rights stipulated in the CFREU by unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children (UASC). It reflects the years-long practical and academic experience of project partners Foundation for Access to Rights - FAR in Bulgaria (lead organization), ARSIS in Greece, Terre des Hommes in Romania, Nidos in the Netherlands, Sirius Network, based in Belgium, Volontarius in Italy, and Comissió Catalana d’Acció pel Refugi (CCAR) in Spain.
The Handbook chapters have been elaborated by the project partners as follows:
Chapter I: Basic principles in protecting the rights of UASC in the light of Article 24 of the CFREU - Terre des Hommes Foundation
Chapter II: Right to Asylum and Procedural Guarantees for UASC - Comissió Catalana d’Acció pel Refugi
Chapter III: Migrant Children in Detention and Right to Liberty - Foundation for Access to Rights - FAR
Chapter IV: EU Charter and Secondary EU Law Rights Linked to Return Procedures - Foundation for Access to Rights - FAR
Chapter V: Access to Family Life and Family Reunification - Terre des Hommes Foundation
Chapter VI: Labor Rights of Migrant Children - Volontarius
Chapter VII: Аccess to Education - Nidos
Chapter VIII: Access to Healthcare - Volontarius
Chapter IX: Access to Adequate Accommodation and Social Security – Nidos and ARSIS
Chapter X: Filing and Conducting Strategic Lawsuits Related to Violations of Rights – ARSIS
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