In March 2022 the Foundation for Access to Rights was awarded an emergency grant by the Sigrid Rausing Trust in response to the crisis in Ukraine. In the context of the unprecedented high number of refugees from Ukraine following the war on 24 February 2022, the Sigrid Rausing Trust grant has allowed FAR to provide legal information in person and through the comprehensive online platform Migrantlife.Bg. FAR produces crucial information materials, together with widely disseminated printed leaflets, that also serve as the basis for information sessions addressing the most frequent questions asked by refugees. FAR has been scaling up legal aid services in flexible response to the needs on the ground and has been advocating for changes to laws and practices, including through decisive strategic litigation. The financial support by the Sigrid Rausing Trust allows FAR to organize up-to-date trainings in refugee law to enhance the knowledge of non-expert lawyers providing assistance across the country about refugee rights and access to them.